April 25, 2023
Updated August 2, 2023

Spiritual Beings Launches NFT Collection to Help Save The King’s College from Closure

Jody Chadban | Co-Founder and CEO, Spiritual Beings
Email: jody@spiritualbeings.io

Jody Chadban

New York, NY - Spiritual Beings, a brand that is bringing spirituality to web3, has launched its genesis collection to help save The King's College from closure. Spiritual Beings has pledged 33% ($2.6 million dollars) from the sell-out of its collection of 11,111 digital collectibles. The brand has also pledged to work with the King’s College networks and the wider community to raise additional funds.

The King's College is a private non-denominational Christian liberal arts college in New York City’s Financial District with a core curriculum in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics and a commitment to the truths of Christianity and a biblical worldview. The predecessor institution was founded in 1938 in Belmar, New Jersey, by Percy Crawford. King’s is facing significant financial challenges and announced its possible closure in March 2023.

“As a parent of a current King’s Student, we decided to move up the launch of our Spiritual Beings collection to do everything we can to help keep the college from closing," said Jody Chadban, Co-Founder and CEO of Spiritual Beings. "At the heart of Spiritual Beings is a desire to see people living the very best versions of themselves. We believe that spirituality is the foundation for personal growth and community building and higher education plays a critical role in preparing individuals to become leaders and change agents in the world. The King's College mission aligns with ours to build a community of like-minded individuals committed to transforming society through spirituality.”

At the heart of Spiritual Beings is a desire to see people living the very best versions of themselves.

The Spiritual Beings collection features 11,111 skeleton PFP art with varying characteristics and rarity elements inspired by the story of the valley of the dry bones in the Book of Ezekiel. According to Chadban, “The story represents life, hope, and transformation. Our skeleton PFP art is a visual manifestation of our hope and declaration for our community of holders. Things that feel fragmented and scattered, or even dead, can come together again through the journey of spirituality.

Spiritual Beings is a collection that is based on a firm foundation — that we are more the same than we are different. We are spirit, mind, and body. We are all spiritual beings.”

In addition to providing financial support to keep The King’s College from closing, those who purchase a Spiritual Beings’ digital collectible can use their digital collectibles as a ticket to access all the events, experiences, and benefits offered to its community of holders, including annual conferences and retreats, as well as virtual and in-real-life (IRL) gatherings led by spirit-filled artists and master craftsmen that explore spirituality through creativity, art, music, dance, food, and more.

Spiritual Beings is a brand that is bringing spirituality to web3 by exploring the deepest expression of who we are as spiritual beings. We offer our community creative ways to experience spirituality and connect with like-minded people at virtual and IRL events and experiences that encourage spiritual growth and connection. For more information on Spiritual Beings, visit www.spiritualbeings.io

Update from the CEO - Jody Chadban

With a deep-seated intention and unwavering dedication, we aimed to help rescue The King’s College from impending closure. Our commitment was exemplified by a substantial donation pledge of 33% of the initial gross revenue, harnessing the transformative potential of web3 to address a tangible real-world challenge. However, regrettably, these aspirations have not come to fruition.

Spiritual Beings stood poised and prepared to enact this vision under the guidance of The King’s College leadership. Yet, regrettably, the College found itself unable to fully leverage this partnership opportunity. With a profound sense of sadness, I witness The King’s College confronting the unvarnished truth of their circumstances. In this trying moment, my thoughts and benevolent wishes extend to all the students, families, and staff members who are grappling with the repercussions.

May this instance stand as a poignant reminder, galvanizing us all to embrace boldness and courage as we strive to fortify Christian education within the United States.